Radiohead New Album "In Rainbows" - Selling Music The Right Way

Posted on Oct 22, 2007

This is so cool. I just bought the new Radiohead album, “In Rainbows”.
What’s so special? The album is available only by direct download from a website set up by the band (
Everybody wins:
1. The buyer - finally, I can legally download music from the internet (iTunes and the like do not allow downloads with a credit card that is issued in Israel).
2. The seller - Radiohead bypass the record label, and probably profit more for each album sold.

But that’s not all. Coolness factor number 2 - you get to set the price you pay for the album. That’s right. This is a brilliant idea already emplyed in the past (read here). When you trust your customers, they return the favor. Turns out, people end up paying more on average when given the chance to set the price themselves.
This is a very interesting pricing model that I think can work out very well for various products (perhaps web applications too). This method probably suits best products where the “normal” price is lower than a certain limit (say 100$). Above that I’m not sure it will work.

As to bypassing record labels and selling music direct over the web - I think in 2 years 90% of the artists will go this way.

I payed 6 GBP, which is about 12 USD or 50 NIS.